LLVM Z80: Building
- Clone the github repo (This is quite big, so make some disk space)
git clone https://github.com/gt-retro-computing/llvm-project
- Setup the cmake project by going into the
sub-directory and create a build directory
# ...../llvm-project/llvm>
mkdir cmake-build
cd cmake-build
make clang llvm-mc llc lld -j$(nproc)
Step 2 will compile a clang for Z80 in the
directory. P.S. Feel free to use an IDE like CLion, it might be very helpful when reading LLVM source code. -
You can try to compile a simple C program for example
char testFn(char var1, char var2) {
return var1 + var2;
Save it as test.c
then you can do
clang --target=z80-unknown-none-code16 -fintegrated-as -O3 -c -S -o - test.c
It should output something like this
.file "test.c"
.globl _testFn ; -- Begin function testFn
_testFn: ; @testFn
; %bb.0: ; %entry
ld l, a
ld a, b
add a, l
; -- End function
extern __Unwind_SjLj_Register
extern __Unwind_SjLj_Unregister
Compared to the same code generated by sdcc
;test.c:1: char testFn(char var1, char var2) {
; ---------------------------------
; Function testFn
; ---------------------------------
;test.c:2: return var1 + var2;
ld hl, #3
add hl, sp
ld iy, #2
add iy, sp
ld a, 0 (iy)
add a, (hl)
ld l, a
;test.c:3: }
.area _CODE
.area _CABS (ABS)