Fibonacci! - First program!

Computing the Fibonacci Series

We have got the computer operational again. As of right now, everything essential is working again. The IMSAI 8080 come with a input and output both addressed on port 0xFF which maps to the higher 8 bits of address and the 8 led on the top left corner of the front panel.

The first program we decided to run on the machine is to compute the fibonacci series and display them one at a time on the front panel led.

Below is the listing and video of it running

.org 0

	mvi a, 0
	mvi b, 1
	mvi l, 0xFF
	mov c, a
	add b
	jc init
	xra l
	out 0xff
	xra l
	mov b, c
	mov h, a
	LXI d, 0FFFFh
	dcx d
	mov a, d
	ora e
	jnz delay
	mov a, h
	jmp fib


The above code executed

Original Single Stepped version.

This is the first actual first program we got working on this machine. There’s lots of patching thus includes a lot of NOP and JMP instructions.